First of all have to Get a Drug Sales License:
Types of License:
Form-6 Licence: This type of Drug Sales license should be used for Retail sales of Medicines.
Form-8 License: This type of Drug Sales license should be used for Pharmacy type sales of Medicines.
Form-9 License: This type of Drug Sales license should be used for sales of Narcotics Medicines by all ways like (Retail, Whole sale or Manufacturer).
Form-7(a) License: This type of Drug Sales license should be used for the sales of Medicines by way of Whole Sale or Distribution.
Form-7 License: This type of Drug sales license should be used for the sales of Medicines for Importers, Exporters, Indentors and Manufacturers.
Process to apply for a Drug sales License:
1) Fill a prescribed form-5 in Drug Rules.Form-5 (Click to Download)
2) Fill an affidavit on Rs. 50.00 stamp papers as prescribed (Click to Download- Affidavit)
3) Deposit a fee of License through a prescribed Challan in a bank. (Click to Download:Chhallan for fee)
Fee as below:
New License Fee of Rs= 5000.00
Renewal Fee of Rs= 3000.00
4) Attached a CNIC Copy with the Form 5.
5) Attached an aggreement copy of rental or proof of owner ship of the premisses.
6) Attached a copy of NTN certificate with form 5.
7) Authorized Agent’s copy (means which medicines you want to sale their manufacturer/importer/indentor’s authorization letter for the sales of the drugs of their medicines).
8) PCDA (Pakistan Chemists & Druggists Association) / Chamber of commerce & Industries membership certificate’s copy.
9) Qualified person (B-Pharmacy/D-Pharmacy/Dispensor) certificate holder should be posted at the premisses and attached his degree of qualification, Pharmacy Council registration, his CNIC and 4 Passport size photos should be attached with Form 5.
After that all the above requirements, you should submit it your area’s EDO (Health) office or DHO office .